Thursday, 19 February 2009

bad mood + bad english = desaster

why life is givving every one wut they want exactly and so easly
and i'm the one who grabbing wut i want so hardly
why i'm the one who breaking rocks to find my own way and others just pointing wut they want and the ways willrunning toword them
i'm not wishing thire life become hard one
i just wish an easy life exactly like them

Sunday, 8 February 2009


في العمل حدثت لي مشكله ،
من لا شيء
أمي ، رمتني بكلمات ، تجرح
وحبيبي يقول لي :
انتي عطيتيه وجه
ماذا تفعل اذا كانت كل الأشياء تتفق عليك ؟

Thursday, 5 February 2009

dream of birds

life is so nice as it is and it's so frightening
if it gets any longer
so ,
God just stop my life